Project 1 : Paying It Forward

"Explore the sense of environmental and community engagement as future designer" is the aim of this project, in a group of 10, we went to approach a community that in need, as known as "Philea Home", a orphanage.From this project, it helped increased awareness of current environmental issues locally and induce creativity in attempting to explore the current environmental circumstances. This project also allowed us to explore the opportunity to work with the community and for the community. we had produced some furniture by using recycle materials in order to create awareness of the importance of creating and environmentally sustainable product. 
Learning Outcome : 
Explore the concept of environmental and ecological sustainability
1. Produce a complete documentation of the entire project from proposal up to completion 
2. Produce a multi media presentation on the issue and process taken to resolve the issue
3. To be able to demonstrate problem-solving skills
4. Recognize role and responsibility of an architect towards environment and society
5. Exemplify creativity in attempting to explore the current environmental circumstance

The poster 

The proposal 

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